Monday, December 28, 2009

Shooting a horror / suspense film in central PA

So, I'm out here in Mechanicsburg PA from Los Angeles, visiting family and friends. Also, I'm shooting a micro-budget feature film. It's a suspense-horror with a twist. I wanted to shoot in a place where you don't have to deal with complicated permits. A place without palm trees. A place with real weather and real season. A place with some history. What better place than my home town, Mechanicsburg, PA.

Overall, I had a great time. And people are very receptive, welcoming to filmmaking. Back in Hollywood, they could care less. Rightly so. Imagine a town full of doctors. Who in that town would want to hear about how one another's routine surgery went? They'll only pay attention if it's a revolutionary procedure where the patient survives without any complications. And that's what independent filmmaking is, a revolutionary surgery without complications.

Soon, it's back to Hollywood to finish the bigger portion of the film. Someday I'll return to Mechanicburg and shoot an entire feature here. But until then, the show must go on.

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